Surah Baqarah Last 2 ayat | Translation -Transliteration
Muslim should recite the Surah Baqarah last 2 ayat. In order to receive Allah’s forgiveness, kindness, and blessings.
Surah Al Imran Benefits
After Al-Fatiha and Al-Baqara, it is the third surah in para 1. Surah Al Imran Benefits includes: get mercy of Allah, for ease in childbirth, and others.
Surah Baqarah Benefits
Let’s learn Surah Baqarah benefits which is the second and longest Surah in the Qur’an. The Surah has 286 Ayahs and 6,201 total words.
Hasbunallah Wa Ni Mal Wakil
One of the verses in the Noble Qur’an is Hasbunallahu wa ni mal wakeel. These words are mentioned by Allah SWT many times in the Quran.
Do Muslims Eat Pork | Quran’s View On Eating Pork
Many non-Muslims frequently enquire as to why Muslims abstain from eating pork. Let’ learn do Muslims eat Pork or not?
Is Cursing Haram? Can we Curse anyone or not?
Do Muslims curse? Islam forbids using curse words because it is the most dangerous verbal act. let’s learn more is cursing Haram?
What Does Islam Say About Gifts?
Dua For Difficulty In Sleeping
Find yourself up late at night worrying about the upcoming day? Or are you exhausted and stressed learn this dua for difficulty in sleeping.