Giving Sadaqah On Behalf Of Someone Sick
Yes giving sadaqah on behalf of someone sick is possible. Also you will learn intention when giving sadaqah and ways you may make a donation.
Sadaqah Jariyah For Parents
Yes you can give Sadaqah Jariyah For Parents informs of constructing a shchool, build a mosque, contribution for in hospital for poor peoples.
Surah Yunus
Surah Yunus is the 10th surah of the Quran. There are 109 verses of this surah. It is Makki surah and was revealed in 613-618 AD.
Madni Surah In Quran
There are total 28 Madni Surah In Quran. All Quranic verses and chapters revealed after the Hijrah of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W).
Sadaqah To Cure Illness
This article will help you to learn how to give sadaqah to cure illness? what happens when you give sadaqah and more.
Why You Should Recite Makki Surah In Quran?
There are total Makki Surah In Quran. You will learn in detail about Makki and Madani Surahs, also find meaning of each Makki surah in Quran.
Sadaqah Jariyah For Deceased Parents
Surah Ikhlas Benefits
Surah ikhlas benefits includes: benefits for love, path to paradise, Comparable to reading 33% of the Quran, protect from magic and others.
How To Give Sadaqah For Illness
How To Give Up Music Islam
In this article we will learn how to give up music islam? How can Muslims avoid listening to music? What does Islam say about music?