Surah Maryam Benefits | Wazaaif | Facts
This article is all about Surah Maryam Benefits, facts and meaning, Wazaaif and more. Also you will see wazifa for pregnancy.
Top 9 Surah Al Fath Benefits
This surah is very dearest to the Prophet’s heart. Surah al fath benefits includes, protect us from all fears, haram and more.
Surah At Tin Benefits | Surah Tin Wazifa
Surah At Tin Benefits: To prevent the poison from food, To find the lost thing, benefits in pregnancy, rewards in paradise and others.
11 Surah Yusuf Benefits | Benefits For Pregnancy
In this article you will learn meaning, facts and surah yusuf benefits including Surah Yusuf benefits in pregnancy, for marriage and others.
Surah Al Isra: surah al isra ayat 80
Surah Al Isra Ayat 9
The whole surah is all about guidance for us, but the surah al Isra ayat 9 mainly talks about the praises of the noble Book the Quran.
Surah Al Isra Ayat 82
Surah al Isra ayat 82 mentions that the Quran is a cure for all mental and spiritual diseases. Recite it for guidance, and strong your Imman.
Surah Al Isra Benefits
Surah Al Isra Ayat 2
Surah al Isra emphasises the unity of Allah and the majesty of the prophets, like other Meccan surah. Learn here Surah al Isra ayat 2.
Surah Shams Read Online
There are many benefits of Surah shams read Online. It is the 91st surah of the Quran, which is quite crucial to understand.