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You must be thinking, does eating break wudu? There are different perceptions on this matter. Here I will discuss some Islamic points of view that will help to clarify this question in your mind. However, we’ll learn in detail does your wudu break if you eat or not?

Does eating food break wudu

This is a very common question: does wudu break if you eat? The simple answer is No.

Based on several other hadith, the predominant school of thought holds that nothing made by fire annuls Wudu. Although, other academics interpret this literally. And believe that eating food that has been cooked will invalidate your wudu.

In essence, those hadith that mention doing wudu after eating cooked food are meant to be literal wudu. This is, to wash our hands and rinse our mouths in order to remove the taste of the food we just ate.

According to Hadith 

Does eating break your wudu or not? It is proved by Hadith;

This hadith is recorded in Sahih Bukhari. And it states that when the companion Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) was posed with this question. He said that during the time of the holy prophet PBUH, anytime we ate something prepared. We performed salah and avoided making wudu.

Does eating camel meat break wudu?

Male or female Muslims are capable of eating and drinking after doing Wudu. And doing so does not render Wudu invalid unless the person consumes camel flesh.

Camel meat is among the foods that break down wudu. Due to its simpler digestion than mutton, camel meat is indeed a preferred option. In addition, it has more nutrients than mutton. It contains less fat as well, which is crucial but breaks wudu.

Does eating camel meat break your wudu?

If we interpret the aforementioned hadith correctly. We may deduce that camel meat is the flesh of animals that really can break wudu. Yet there are three crucial aspects of it.

1. Consuming lamb does not violate wudu.

2. According to Ahmad, consuming camel flesh can sever wudu.

3. The majority of Islamic scholars agreed that breaking wudu cannot be accomplished by consuming camel flesh. They understand wudu to mean gargle in the language. In other words, the meat in the mouth has to have the fat removed.

does eating break wudu Sunni does eating break wudu shia
The majority of academics believe that eating or drinking does not negate someone’s ablution. To be on the safe side, individuals who consume camel flesh should do a fresh ablution. And it is the same for both Shia and Sunni.

Does eating break wudu Sunni or does eating break wudu shia?

The majority of academics believe that eating or drinking does not negate someone’s ablution. To be on the safe side, individuals who consume camel flesh should do a fresh ablution. And it is the same for both Shia and Sunni.

Final verdict 

In summary, the question Does eating break wudu or not is described above in the light of Hadiths. Get clear of any food or drink that may have gotten between your teeth after eating or drinking. It is nonetheless sunah to rinse your mouth out. This is particularly true before prayer.

Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

Does eating food break wudu
Eating food doen’t break wudu.

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