
Dua After Witr Prayer

Dua After Witr Prayer featured image

The Witr prayer is indeed the night’s final prayer. Anytime, after Isha but before Fajr is appropriate for its offering. So, can we read dua after witr prayer? 

Which dua is recited in Witr?

It is permissible to recite Dua al-Qunut before kneeling during the final rak’ah of the Witr prayer. However, it is preferable to say it after bowing.

What do you say in Witr prayer?

  • Specify how many rakat will offer and start with the correct niyyah (intention) for salatul witr. Just like you would for an ordinary fardh salah, recite the first two rakats. 
  • Recite Surah Fatihah, a few verses from the Quran, and then the takbir during the 3rd Rakat of Witr prayer. 
  • Raising your hands to your earlobes and lowering them to your naval in place of getting down for Ruku.
  • The witr dua named qunoot or dua-e-qunoot should be recited in this instance since it is Sunnah.

Now I will mention the dua after witr prayer.

How do you end Witr prayer?

In addition to the Esha prayer, the Witr prayer is also important. Although one has omitted the witr prayer, the Esha prayer is still acceptable. Now the question is;

Can I make dua after witr prayer?

Following tasleemah, a specific prayer has to be performed. The act of uttering (Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah). While turning one’s head to the right, followed by a leftward turn while repeating those same words, known as tasleemah.

Al-Ala, Al-kafiroon, and Al-ikhlas are some of the surahs that the Prophet of Allah often recited during the witr prayer. 

He would say three times, (How great The King, The Holy One is) after saying the salaam. On the third utterance, he would raise his voice, and make it longer. And add: (Lord of the angles and also the Rooh).

So you can recite dua after witr prayer according to the above discussion.

Final verdict 

In summary, it is allowed to recite dua after witr prayer. I have mentioned the dua above. So you can recite it and get the benefit of it in the Hereafter.

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