Discussing The Facts About Home Insurance In Islam
In this article you will learn about home insurance in Islam. The real facts and figures that are important before moving forward.
Whole Life Insurance In Islam: Halal or Haram?
Top Surah Nisa Benefits
Surah Nisa Benefits: Protection from squeezing of the grave, To remove difficulties, To fulfill wishes, To increase love, and others
7 Mental Health Tips From The Quran And Sunnah
Mental Health Tips From The Quran And Sunnah includes: Using Prayer To Find The Light, Be Thankful, Be active and others.
Surah Mumtahina Benefits
Surah Mumtahina Benefits: Protection from diseases, improve eyesight, To get the power of Iman, deal with difficulties, and others.
Top Sunnah Foods To Eat During Pregnancy
Find the top Sunnah foods to eat during pregnancy that will energise you such as: milk dates, honey, and others.
Surah Naml Main theme – Surah Al Naml Benefits
The word Naml means ‘Ants’. This is the 27th chapter of the Quran. Surah Naml comprises 93 ayat which are further divided into 7 rukus.
Surah Fatiha
Surah Fatiha is Makki surah that is positioned in the Juzʼ 26. There are a total 25 words in this surah, 29 verses, 4 ruckus, and 113 total letters.
Surah Qalam Benefits
Surah Baqarah Last 3 Ayat Benefits and Explanation
Let’s learn Surah Baqarah last 3 ayat in Arabic, English translation, importance, meaning., benefits, and more.