What is Dua Qunoot Meaning – Dua Qunoot in Arabic

Dua Qunoot is a unique prayer that is also known as dua-e-qunoot or qunut dua. It is well-known for its connection to the Witr salah and is frequently repeated. This article will tell you the significance as well as the benefits of Qunoot supplication.
What is dua e qunoot?
The Qunoot supplication is frequently said at the final rakah of the night prayer, which is generally followed by it.
According to adherents of Sharia, the Qunut is the term given to a prayer made during salat. At a certain location while standing. To put it another way, it is the name given to a prayer that is made while one is standing.
Qunoot meaning
Qunoot literally translates to the action of standing or being obedient in classical Arabic. Dua is the Arabic word for supplication; hence the lengthier form dua qunoot is occasionally used. The word qunoot has numerous grammatical senses, including humility, obedience, and devotion.
What is Qunoot in Prayer?
Qunoot is the word for a dua made during prayer while standing in one place. When a Muslim suffers a disaster or during prayer, qunoot is advised.
The Prophet (PBUH) gave us the Dua Qunoot as a way to demonstrate our submission to Allah and our humility.
Dua e Qunoot with its translation
You’ll find transliteration helpful for reading and memory. The English translation of qunoot is shown below;
O Allah, lead me among those You’ve led, forgive me among those You’ve absolved. Befriend me amongst those You have loved, bless me in that which You have given me.
And deliver me from the evil which You have ordained. He who You have befriended is not humiliated by Your decree, and no one can declare decree upon You. Bless You, our Lord and Exalted, for this.
What does dua Qunoot talk about?
We pray to Allah for blessings, direction, and strength in Dua e Qunoot. When Muslims faced a major challenge or calamity in the past, Prophet Muhammad would say Dua Qunoot. Throughout the course of the year, He (PBUH) said it at Witr and Fajr as well as occasionally during other prayers.
Is three Witr prayer required?
Ali bin Abu Talib is quoted as saying, “The witr prayer is not mandatory like your other prayers. But the Prophet would offer it and say. “O you followers of the Quran, offer it, for Allah is The one and He likes the witr”. Witr literally translates to the chord of a circle.
Dua qunoot witr prayer
The voluntary nighttime prayer is known as Witr or Witr prayer. It is recited during Isha and Fajr. It has odd-numbered rakahs3, 5, or 7 are possible. Witr is frequently mentioned in the Hadith.
And underscoring the fact that it is a prescribed prayer that results in Allah’s favor, blessings, and rewards.
Dua Qunoot is the sunnah in Islam for asking Allah for anything. According to Islamic custom, we repeat it during the last Rakah of the Witr. The famous scholar says that reciting it both before and following bowing is acceptable.
What to do if dua Qunoot is missed during Witr?
If you forgot it then, before concluding the prayer, you just made the forgetting prostrations. If the qunoot witr dua is forgotten.
It is not necessary for the du’a of Qunut to be in the words related to the Messenger (PBUH). Rather, it is acceptable for the worshipper to utter alternative words or to add to them.
Without Qunoot, how can I pray Witr?
If someone does not already know qunoot by memory, they should learn it without being lazy or forgetful. He must recite it rather than pronounce it until he remembers it. It would be adequate even if he recited verses from the Qur’an that contain words of prayer.
Authentication of reciting dua qanoot in salah
In the third rak’ah of the Witr Salat, it is required to recite the dua. However, it is Sunnah rather than wajib to offer the dua. Due to the omission of a Sunnah, even if Salah will be accepted instead of the dua, the reward will be less.
To get the benefits of following the Sunnah, one should attempt to memorise the dua.
How to recite duas for Qanoot in Witr prayer?
The first strategy is a more reasonable one. Muslims are expected to make dua-e-Qunoot after bowing, according to conservatives. Some scholars, like Imam Ahmed and others, hold that the reciter ultimately decides when to recite the passages.
Since almost every Saheeh Sunnah volume has this information. They chose to recite Dua Qunoot after bowing though.
How can I learn dua e Qunoot?
In Islam, this dua, or petition prayer, is done while standing. This is an instance of offering Witr, and Sunnah, as a kind of supplication. As an example, the dua qunoot witr. The vast majority of scholars agree that dua qunoot should be spoken after bowing or following the ruku. I.e after the;
Sami Allahu liman hamidah rabbana lakal hamd
You would then raise both hands in supplication and utter the qunot (prayer). The imam would finish his lecture and enter sujud with Allahu akbar (prayer).
Can you find the qunoot dua in the Quran?
This dua is the Prophet’s Sunnah, not anything that is referenced in the Quran. So, recite it and fulfill the sunnah.
Dua e qunoot benefits
In the past, our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) served as an example by beginning to recite this dua. When Muslims were facing calamity or significant difficulties. This dua includes numerous important requests for Allah.
As Muslims, Dua Qunut has several advantages for us all. So, here are some benefits of dua Qunoot;
To get difficulties over
We can make supplication to Allah Almighty through this Dua when facing difficult circumstances. InshaAllah, we will get through it if we submit to Allah through trying circumstances.
Help in offering Prayer Sincerely
If someone is not sincerely motivated in doing the Namaz, they should recite the Dua Qunoot.
If someone recites this dua once after Farz Namaz, Allah will bend his heart toward them.
To fulfill desires
Allah grants all justifiable desires, to the heart of the person who recites this Dua. But we must also routinely offer Namaz in order to do it.
Protection from shatan
Allah protects anybody who recites dua once a day from Satan. So recite this dua if you want to be far away from bad deeds.
Abundance of Rizq
There are several benefits associated with wealth, on reciting this Dua. Allah will sanctify the individual in his Rizk if he reads the Qur’an three times after the Asar prayer.
Get closer to Allah
The connection to Allah is the first and most significant advantage. Muslims are also assisted by this Dua.
Which helps them recognize that the Almighty is the only one who can help them. And who hears and responds to their prayers.
Final verdict
In summary, dua Qunoot is a powerful dua that we can make in a night witr prayer. Although it is a sunnah so memorize this dua and Repeat the Dua. And make an effort to get closer to Allah. We want Allah to accept us as his worthy servants and to adore us.