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Why Was The Quran Revealed Over 23 Years

why was the quran revealed over 23 years

As we all know that the Quran is the book of Allah and was revealed upon the Prophet (P.B.U.H) in the period of 23 years. But why was the Quran revealed over 23 years? What is the reason behind the revelation in 23 years and why it was revealed?

These are some questions and you want to know the answers. So, in this article, I will tell you the reason for the revelation of the Quran and the reason for the revelation of the Quran in stages. At the end you will be able to know more details about it. 

Reason for the revelation of the Quran      

Here the most important question is why the Quran was revealed. Why is there a need to reveal this book on the Prophet? So, there are certain reasons for the revelation of the Quran.

(Part 7, Surah, Al-An’aam, Ayah 92)

The main motive of the revelation of the Quran is to guide humanity. So that they can live a better life and be aware of what will happen at the end of life. So, here I will discuss why was the Quran revealed over 23 years.

Revelation and Preservation of the Quran

The Prophet (P.B.U.H) received the revelation of the Quran over 23 years. The prophet received the Quran starting on December 22 of the year 609 CE at the age of 40. And the revelation was finished in 632 CE at the age of 63

So, it means that the Quran was revealed gradually over 23 years. But why Quran was revealed gradually in parts? Why did Allah send his book years? What is the reason behind that? So, let’s discuss.

Reason for Revelation of the Quran in parts

There are several reasons why was the Quran revealed over 23 years? Allah knows everything better. So, Allah revealed this book gradually for some reasons; 

Muhammad and his followers faced numerous challenges and difficulties while promoting Islam. Thus, the divine direction was necessary to both strengthen their cause and alleviate the particular issues that these early Muslims encountered.

The revelation of the Quran in pieces helped the early Muslims. They were under great social pressure to return to polytheistic practices, to remain steadfast in their beliefs.

Allah also reminded the faithful through consecutive revelations. That explores the world and the many of His signals therein to develop a stronger faith.

The Prophet and his followers were able to effortlessly remember and share the teachings of the Quran because of gradual revelation. This was especially useful when it was first formally collected into a book. According to this Ayah: 

(Quran 17:106)

The main reason why Quran was revealed in 23 years?, was that the Prophet sometimes feels burdened by the heavenly revelation because;

As a result, gaps between revelations were required. To make sure that Muhammad was prepared to hear, spread, and apply each new batch of verses.

There is consistency in the content of the Quran. There would be inconsistencies in the text of the Quran if it were a product of human hands. If the Qur’an had been revealed all at once, this miracle of it would not have occurred.

Especially, why was the Quran revealed over 23 years? The more educated folks would ask him about historic people and events that they thought he also couldn’t possibly know. So, to respond to those inquiries as and when they were made to him, the divine direction was required.

One main reason is that if the rules had been implemented immediately, the people might have felt burdened. But now they are being implemented gradually. It was made possible as a result of numerous divine revelations spread out throughout time. 

Strengthening people’s hearts is one reason the Quran has been revealed over such a long period. So, people gradually absorb and learn the rules of the Quran gradually.

The bottom line

In a nutshell, the Quran is the book of Allah for the guidance of humans. But this book was sent gradually over 23 years to the Prophet (P.B.U.H). But why was the Quran revealed over 23 years? There are several reasons for the gradual revelation of the Quran.

Such as implementing commands, answering the questions of people, to make it easier for the Prophet to handle more, to make it easier to understand, and many more. In the end, Allah knows everything better.

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