Surah Al Isra: surah al isra ayat 80

According to Imam Ahmed; The Prophet (PBUH) was in Makkah when he received the order to leave. And Allah gave him the Surah al Isra ayat 80. So, let’s take an overview of this ayah.
Surah al Isra ayat 80 in Arabic

Surah al Isra ayat 80 in English Translation
You can read this ayat here with english translation;

What does Surah al Isra ayat 80 say?
In response to this Ayah, Al-Hasan Al-Basri said. When the Makkan disbelievers planned to assassinate the Messenger of Allah, deport him, or jail him. Allah desired him to battle the Makkans and directed him to travel to Al-Madinah.
Qatadah stated that the Messenger of Allah understood he could not do this without power or authority. Therefore he prayed for authority to uphold the Quran, the Rules of Allah, and to promote the religion of Allah.
To prevent some of His slaves from attacking one another, Allah grants authority to certain of His servants.
In summary, Surah al Isra ayat 80 is disclosed when the Prophet (PBUH) was ordered to move from Makkah. So, this ayah is helpful to ask for Allah’s power. If you recite this, Allah will always be with you.